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What is person-centered training?


While different vendors describe their trainings in different ways, in general, person-centered training is an instructor-led training focused on changing perspectives from caring for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to providing balanced support to protect the individual's health and safety while empowering them to identify personal goals and direct their services and supports. 

  • The interactive training helps participants change their thinking from a priority of fixing a person’s limitations to supporting each person’s opportunities to share their gifts and pursue their own goals.

  • The training is for staff at all levels of an organization, including Board members, management, direct support professionals and even IT and custodial staff.

  • Importantly, the trainings can also be tailored to individuals with IDD who are accepting services and supports.

  • Different levels of training are offered, from a 2- or 3-day foundational course to organizational immersion in which an agency aligns all of its practices with a person-centered philosophy.

A Community-Led Approach

In Colorado, the push for training came from local community agencies that realize that person-centered services are what individuals with IDD and their families want and expect.

  • Alliance is collaborating with the State, disability advocacy partners, and local communities to create training capacity statewide. 

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